Recognized worldwide as one of the leading institutes in marine science and technology, Ifremer is committed to sustainable development and open science.
Its 1,500 employees conduct research, produce expertise and create innovations to protect and restore the ocean, exploit its resources responsibly, share marine data and offer new services to all stakeholders.
Present on all the French and overseas seaboards, its laboratories are located on some twenty sites in the three major oceans: the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic and the Pacific. On behalf of the State, it operates the French Oceanographic Fleet for the benefit of the national scientific community. It designs its own state-of-the-art vessels and equipment to explore and observe the ocean, from the coast to the open ocean and from the abyss to the interface with the atmosphere.
Open to the international scientific community, its 1,500 researchers, engineers and technicians are advancing knowledge on one of the last unexplored frontiers of our planet; they are helping to inform public policy and innovation for a sustainable blue economy. Their mission is also to raise public awareness of maritime issues.
Founded in 1984, Ifremer is a public establishment of industrial and commercial nature (EPIC), with a budget of about 240 million Euros. It is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministries of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), Ecological Transition and Solidarity (MTES), Agriculture and Food (MAA).
Official website