At approximately 19:00 UTC on 28th February 2023, Team Malizia were sailing in big waves with good wind conditions when they dropped the C0 sail in the water. The team quickly assessed that it had become unhooked and this was the reason for it falling. This is something that the shore team and sailing team are discussing further to fully understand how this happened.

With darkness approaching and the big ocean swell, the team had to act quickly. Skipper Boris Herrmann noticed that the halyard of the sail was pulling against the mainsail, not wanting to cause any further damage he acted quickly and cut the halyard 2 meters from the hook. This allows for the halyard to be easily repaired when they have more time. 
The team then worked together with co-skipper Will Harris jumping on the foil to cut the rest of the sail free. The team were concerned to damage anything further knowing that the sail was wrapped around the keel and the foil. Once this was free, Will Harris and Rosalin Kuiperwere able to pull this onboard and store it down below. 

© Antoine Auriol / Team Malizia (Antoine Auriol / Team Malizia (Photographer) - [None]

The IMOCAs must all carry a total of 8 sails on board one of which must be a storm jib and the main sail, therefore, leaving 6 other headsails to choose from. The team will have to weather this disadvantage now and make good decisions in order to ensure they can sail optimally without their C0. 
Skipper Boris Herrmann commented after the incident: “Our downwind sail came off the hook and fell into the water... Now, we are on a different downwind sail but this issue gave us a good hour of work and left us drifting backwards and losing maybe 20 nautical miles at least and a sail! However, everyone is safe and did a great job in sorting this out and no other damages as far as we know”.

Source Team Malizia