During the last edition of the race, The Ocean Race chose to anchor its message around sustainable development and focus on reducing plastics in the oceans through an innovative program called "Navigating with meaning". The aim is to propose an action plan with concrete initiatives.

One of the commitments of this plan is to inspire children around the world to take action for the Oceans, through a multi-language education program. Recently launched online, the Champions for the Sea programme will help you and your students (aged 6-12 years) discover the excitement of sailing through The Ocean Race, the importance of the Ocean and how Ocean health is threatened. Through the practical activities and worksheets developed, and using Social and Emotional Learning techniques (SEL) you and your students will be encouraged and empowered to take positive action for the Ocean with a true understanding of how we can all make a difference and become Champions for the Sea!

Our informative and fun learning resources aim to engage students with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to ‘transform our world’ by 2030. Our topics address a number of these goals including:



Topics of The Ocean Race Champions for the Sea programme are:

- Topic 1 - The Ocean Race (to be released in September 2021) 
- Topic 2 - Our Ocean Connection & Ocean Plastic Pollution
- Topic 3 - How to Reduce Ocean Plastic Pollution
- Topic 4 - My Positive Plastic Footprint
- Topic 5 - Science & Sailing (newest module release)

Download educational kits below :